1. The Young Palettes decide to participate. They are given a “Young Palettes Envision…” Art Design Portfolio. Independently, they conduct research on the theme. Then, they envision an art concept, sketch it and plan how they will create it. The Young Palettes then create their conceptualized artwork using any medium of their choosing that was articulated in the planning process, and write an essay. They submit their piece of art by the deadline date with permission slips.
2. The Young Palettes’ artwork is inventoried, digitally photographed, and permission slips documented. There are several displays in the local area. A reception is held for all of the entrants, with all of the pieces on display. The Young Palettes are recognized for participation in the “Young Palettes Envision…” project. Each Young Palette receives a Certificate of Participation.
3. Winning pieces are selected through a process, and announced. The Young Palettes whose artwork is chosen will be notified and a second public reception is held for those Young Palettes and their selected pieces. A brief program is included. These pieces will be turned into Art Panel Banners.
4. When the chosen pieces are turned into the Art Panel Banners, they are unveiled at another celebratory event. The Young Palettes, their families and friends are invited, photographs taken, and Young Palettes on hand to explain their concept and artwork.
5. After the Young Palettes Art Panel Banners are hung in an appropriately chosen section of the City of Newburgh, a dedication with the Young Palettes, their families, friends, School District, City and County Officials, and any collaborative organization is held.
©2025 Trestle Inc.